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Single Career Transcript Request

Retail Price $25.00

Western transcripts by default will print all courses and careers you took at Western. If you attended Western for multiple careers but require a transcript of only one of your careers you will need to order this option.

Step 1: Use PurplePay to pay for the transcript. Go to and let us know which mailing option for the transcript (this step is not ordering, just paying)

Step 2: Fill out this form to let us know what you have paid for and then submit the form to us using the Virtual Helpline - PurplePay option with the career you are looking to order written at the top. Options are Professional, Education, Undergraduate, Graduate or Continuing Studies

Step 3: Once we have the form, within 2 business days, you will see the request on your Student Center and you can follow along to know when it has been processed.